Online Sake Classes

Here is What to Expect in Our Online Sake Classes

Online Sake Classes are designed to meet the interests of all sake lovers, whether you are a sake beginner, a sake enthusiast or a wine, beer or whisky lover.

We invite you to explore the deep world of sake through our online sake classes. We hope that sake fans all over the world will discover the way to enjoy great sake!

[NO.1] Basic Sake 101

This is the online class you can learn all the basics about sake. Understanding the differences of sake and how these are produced. After taking this class, you will be able to order sake at restaurants or bottle shops with confidence!

Price: 4,000 JPY per screen

[NO.2] Sake Making Process

You will learn everything from the preparation of raw materials, fermentation, and the post-fermentation process to bottling.
By taking this online sake class, you will discover how sake is made through a complex process and how very different it is from wine and beer making.

Price: 5,500 JPY per screen

[NO.3] Advanced Class of Special Methods to Brew Sake

This online sake class delves deeper into the production process learned in No. 2 Sake Making Process. You will learn how different methods used in the same process can change the sake.
It covers the post-fermentation process and the different methods used in the fermentation process, focusing on traditional methods.

Price: 5,500 JPY per screen

[NO.4] Advanced Class of Microorganism & Fermentation

While koji (rice malt) is not used in wine or beer making, it is the most important element in sake brewing. This online sake class focuses on microorganisms that have a major role in sake brewing.
You will learn about the different types of koji molds, their features, and how the ingredients produced by koji affect the sake brewing process.

Price: 5,500 JPY per screen

[NO.5] Advanced Class of Sake Renaissance

In this online sake class you'll learn a return to the traditional methods of sake production, that has become the new wave. (to be launched in the near future).

Price: 5,500 JPY per screen

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Sake Expert for Online Classes

sake guide photo

 Kotaro Hashimoto

Born in Kyoto, Japan. Qualified international sake taster(国際唎酒師).
After spending time in the US and Australia, he now lives in Fushimi, Kyoto, promoting the culture of sake, amazake ("sweet sake") and koji ("rice malt") to the world.