Our New Experience “Advanced Sake Tasting Experience” is now available to book!

Our new experience “Advanced Sake Tasting Experience” is now available to book.

Advanced Sake Tasting Experience Deep Dive into the Sake World ▼ BOOK HERE ▼Please select the date and see availability. Please note that in the Advanced Sake Tasting Experience, w...

In this sake tasting experience, you will enjoy unique sake brewed with very different concept from sake introduced in the basic tours with an expert.

Sake you will taste in this experience is unique and exceptional: ones brewed using ancient methods that are different from modern methods, a new type of sake that utilizes the characteristics of microorganisms and sake that is brewed using local wood, giving it a taste unique to the region.

By tasting these types of sake, you will be fascinated by the profundity of sake and the possibilities of how different tastes can be created by the sake making process.

Advanced Sake Tasting Experience
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Who wrote this article?

We are the only sake tour company based in Kyoto Fushimi Sake Capital.

Good and strong relationship with local breweries and insiders allow us to provide you deeper sake experience.
Our guides are International Kikisake-shi, specialists of sake who can show how to enjoy sake according to personal preference, market condition, culture, and tradition. For any inquiries, please contact us :)
