Torisei – Main Store – Kyoto Yakitori Restaurant Loved by Locals


Must Go Restaurant for Food Lover in Kyoto

Torisei main branch is a restaurant renovated from a traditional sake brewery building. That origin is the famous Yamamoto Honke Sake Brewery. It is known for its sake brand ‘Shinsei’. You will love the elegant yet relaxed atmosphere of the restaurant. Once you are inside, you’ll notice the structure of the building is totally different from other new buildings in Japan. They keep building’s original structure as much as possible and it would definitely remind you that they used to make sake here.

What Makes Them Special?

It is, of course, sake they offer. When you are seated, you’ll notice a big tank in the middle of the restaurant. That is where their original unpasteurized sake (namagenshu) comes out. It’s poured straight from the tank into cups and offered to customers. Don’t miss this namagenshu especially because it’s the one never exported. Because it always has to be kept in the fridge and its freshness does not last long.

As you see it in their restaurant name ‘Torisei’, this place offers a great selection of chicken ( tori in Japanese ) dishes. The most popular one is definitely yakitori – grilled chicken on bamboo skewers. When you go to yakitori place in Japan, normally you choose and order which part of chicken you like to have. That is literally every part of the chicken from gizzards, neck meat, heart meat and more. Don’t hesitate to ask for their recommendation or just get ‘moriawase’ a selection of some yakitori that are commonly ordered.
There is certainly no doubt why this place is always busy with people who want to enjoy great pairing of sake and freshly cooked chicken.

Torisei is open from lunch time to dinner time. Location is only 5 min walk from the meeting point of our tour KYOTO INSIDER SAKE EXPERIENCE. Why not trying this place loved by locals?

Torisei – Main Store
・Address:186 Kamiaburakake-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-8047.
・Tel: +81-75-622-5533
・English menu available
・Closed Mondays

Discover More about Fushimi!

sake tasting

If you have interest in sake experience in Fushimi Kyoto Sake District, or in order to enjoy your trip to Japan more, don’t forget to join our tour Kyoto Insider Sake Experience. You will discover more local sakes and learn differences of categories to find your favourite bottle!

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Who wrote this article?

We are the only sake tour company based in Kyoto Fushimi Sake Capital.

Good and strong relationship with local breweries and insiders allow us to provide you deeper sake experience.
Our guides are International Kikisake-shi, specialists of sake who can show how to enjoy sake according to personal preference, market condition, culture, and tradition. For any inquiries, please contact us :)
